Life is frequency
Light, sound, body - the world we experience is a collection of frequencies filtered by our senses
Have you ever felt a vibe?
On a quantum level, everything in the universe is a vibration. This includes us - every person vibrates at their own unique frequency.
Light matters
The spectrum of light that we intake has profound effects on our hormone production. Viewing direct light from the sunrise, midday sun, and sunset has profound effects on our immune function, sleep, energy levels, metabolic function, and mental health. In contrast, spending our days indoors with artificial light from LED or fluorescent bulbs, phones, and computer screens disrupts many of our bodies’ most essential functions. A proper light diet can have transformative effects on health.
Thoughts have form
Thought is frequency - this is why certain thought patterns are measurable as specific neural firings, and why simply thinking can change your physical and metabolic state. It is also the basis of manifestation theory, and what gives us power as energetic beings. When we understand our thoughts as frequency, thinking becomes a powerful, intentional practice that can begin to reshape our reality.
Bioresonance Therapy
Bioresonance therapy is based on a quantum understanding of the universe. Everything vibrates at a unique frequency - including active and latent viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi. Using bioresonance technology we can assess the presence of pathogens, the state of energetic centers and pathways, sensitivities to environmental toxins, balance of essential nutrients, and function of organs and organ systems. The Rayonex PS-10 is German-engineered, FDA-approved, and classified as a class IIa medical device in Europe.