BRMT is a holistic healing program developed by Dr. Harald Blomberg

Harald Blomberg was a Swedish psychiatrist who worked with children and adults over decades of clinical practice and research. He recognized that many psychiatric conditions have their roots diet, brain maturation, retained reflexive patterns, chronic and acute stress, and environmental toxins. By the end of his career Harald almost exclusively prescribed changes in diet, primitive reflex integration movements, and bioresonance to heal his clients by treating the cause of their “dis-ease”.

Now, BRMT is practiced around the world by therapists, teachers, parents, and doctors who understand that treating the cause of a symptom is much more effective than masking it.

Rhythm is crucial to primitive reflex integration

As babies, we naturally integrate our reflexes through specific, developmental movement patterns. Through their clinical research and observations, Harald and his colleagues noticed that babies all do the same movements as they progress through development - and they all do them rhythmically. BRMT is based on these innate movement patterns - and thus, Rhythmic Movement Training was born.

When we move rhythmically we are making neural connections throughout our brain. Our cerebellum and basal ganglia play a huge role in our ability to process and generate rhythm, so when we provide specific, rhythmic input we can target these areas of the brain to promote neural development and primitive reflex integration. Once we are able to generate rhythmic movements ourselves with active BRMT, we know that we are directly creating change within the cerebellum and throughout the brain. This also relates to why Dr. Blomberg fondly refers to BRMT as a brain maturation program.

  • We advise most clients to start with 1-2 minutes of gentle, rocking movements per day - it’s that easy! We have a saying in BRMT that “less is more”, and that “the pause is as important as the push”. These movement patterns are very powerful and are easily recognized by the central nervous system since they are based on innate movement patterns. Because of this, change can be observed very quickly (sometimes immediately). In other cases, it can take 1-2 months of a consistent BRMT program to begin to notice change, depending on the person and their goals.

  • Dr. Harald Blomberg developed the original Rhythmic Movement Training Program based on the innate movement patterns he observed through clinical observations and research during his career. He has worked and studied with other primitive reflex integration specialists around the world. He designed BRMT to be simple, effective, and easy to implement by parents and therapists in a variety of contexts.

    A fun fact about rhythmic movement training - it is the only reflex integration program that can be used with infants.

    BRMT instructors are highly trained practitioners taught to work with a cause-oriented, client-centered, evidence-based approach.

  • Primitive reflexes are responsible for much more than establishing motor skills and patterns of movement. In the first few years of life, the baby links up different parts of their brain through the active process of integrating their reflexes. It is estimated that an infant will make 1 million new neural connections per second and develop 80% of its brain volume in the first 3 years.

    By revisiting innate developmental patterns that occur during these years, we can strengthen and rebuild connections between our brain’s essential centers to develop smooth, coordinated, intentional movement, develop speech and language skills, promote bonding, feelings of safety, and social development, and improve executive functioning.

    In our courses we explain how BRMT creates connections between the brainstem, basal ganglia, cerebellum, limbic system, and prefrontal cortex using the Triune Brain Theory as a metaphor.

  • Yes! Every movement is adaptable for every person and every body. In fact, there is an entire BRMT course dedicated to primitive reflex integration in children and adults with cerebral palsy - read more about it at

  • The importance of diet cannot be overstated. In many cases, diet choices can lead to gut inflammation and leaky gut syndrome. This means that small particles from our intestines can pass into our bloodstream, where they are carried to the brain. Brain inflammation can hinder the complete integration of many reflexes and limit our ability to progress towards healing goals.

    Our gut contains 500 million neurons and is responsible for producing 50% of our dopamine and 95% of our serotonin. If you are experiencing anxiety, depression, or any mood imbalance, diet is an essential part of regaining emotional balance. Not only that - when a person eats foods that they are intolerant to (even slightly), it can trigger the Moro reflex.

    As a cause-oriented approach, BRMT sees diet as a fundamental part of every person’s care plan.

  • Pesticides, heavy metals, and EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) are abundant in our food systems and everyday environment. Exposure to these toxins can affect our cognitive functioning, digestive health, energy levels, and cell function. In our courses we teach how to identify sources of toxins, how to detoxify, and how to protect from harmful exposure in the future.

  • Humans are frequency beings. Everything is constantly vibrating at its own unique frequency at a rate undetectable by our senses. This includes the Earth - the Earth’s frequency is known as the “Schumann Frequency”, and happens to be the same rate as our brains’ alpha waves.

    This is to say that to truly treat the cause of disease, frequency medicine is a powerful tool. Latent viruses, common and uncommon bacteria, and parasites can cause many unexpected and often quite troublesome symptoms and complications. Bioresonance can be used to find exactly which pathogens are present in a body and eliminate them without negative side effects.

    When investigating or addressing the cause of many specific diseases, Bioresonance can provide unique, specific insight and highly personalized healing power. As a Class IIA German medical device with decades of research behind its development, Rayonex is the leading Bioresonance technology approved for use around the world.

  • All BRMT courses are accepted by NBCOT for continuing education credits for occupational therapists. They are accepted by the New York state board of physical therapy and all states which share reciprocity with New York (most do - check with your state board for more information).