Hi, I’m Riley! I’m an Atlanta-based Occupational Therapist with over 10 years of specialized training in primitive reflex integration and holistic wellness
About Me
I’m an instructor of BRMT primitive reflex integration, a bioresonance practitioner with the Rayonex PS-10, a QiGong healing practitioner (trained by Robert Peng), and a certified occupational therapist. I’ve been studying primitive reflex integration and its global effect on wellbeing for over 10 years and work directly with both children and adults.
Occupational Therapist R/L
Pediatric OT at About Play, Atlanta
Bioresonance Practitioner
Trained in the use of the Rayonex PS-10, the FDA- approved, class IIa medical device
BRMT Instructor & Consultant
400+ hours of training in Levels 1 to 3
Energetic Practitioner
Certified Qigong Healing Practitioner, Level 3 Reiki Master, and Level 2 Auric Light Alchemy
“Riley is a phenomenal therapist, and her work with BRMT has been a game changer at our clinic. I can't recommend enough!”
Maggie H., pediatric OTR/L
More about BRMT
BRMT is a primitive reflex integration and comprehensive lifestyle program designed to address the cause of common symptoms. Using gentle rocking movements, we can rewrite neurological patterns and begin to more efficiently utilize the emotional centers and executive functioning centers of our brain. Due to the profound effects these movements can have on the body and mind, BRMT has been affectionately called a “brain maturation program”.
“Primitive reflex integration changed my life, and BRMT is by far my favorite program.”
Britney, Body Worker and Massage Therapist